Travel and life are now returning back to what they were prior to Covid-19,and our love of travel and discovery , has never wavered.
Since August 11th 2022.the Malagasy government lifted all COVID -19 health restrictions for travelers to Madagascar Pre-departure PCR tests and testing on arrival are no longer required for entry to Madagascar. Proof of vaccination status is not required for entry. Further details and travel alerts can be found on the Madagascar Tourism website.
Covid 19 is less threatening today ,anyway, we have always ensured stringent well-being protocols on all of our trips and our team has been trained to elevated hygiene and distancing practice(Please read our steps and procedures ) to meet , in case of need ; any requirements put forth by local governments and health authorities, including the World Health Organization (WHO), to give you the freedom and peace of mind to travel again.
On behalf of all of the ‘ MADA3TravelTours’ team, we say ‘VELOMA’ and look forward to visiting Madagascar with you, ‘TONGAVA SOA’ whenever you are ready.
Zephyrin ZANARISON (Jeff Senior)
Marketing Manager / Mada3TravelTours.
Tour Leader training equips them with Enhanced Hygiene and Physical distancing procedures. During your trip, they will operate with a duty of care and monitor the hygiene etiquette of our guests, reacting and advising as needed, to ensure high standards are main -tained.
Our Drivers are trained with the latest hygiene protocols and will clean and disinfect all surfaces including handrails, door handles, tables, seats, over-head ,lockers on a daily basis.
It’s not just your Tour Leader and Driver who will be taking care of you. Behind the scenes, our operations & guest-support teams ,are in contact with them and on call 24/7, so you can rest assured that you’re in good hands.
Adapting to the right size groups, and depending on Madagascan government distancing require-ments, you can rest assured that you will travel with the comfort of your own personal space. Have peace of mind that all of the experiences, hotels and restaurants you’ll enjoy on your trip have been vetted to ensure they adhere to physical distancing and hygiene guidelines.
We are very selective in who we work with and choose to only use hotels, restaurants, ground handlers and venues that take the well-being of our guests as seriously as we do and agree to meet expected guidelines and specifications.